June Recollection
Make your weekend worthwhile in the monthly recollection at Daniw! Spend a few hours online or on site to give thanks to Our Lord, who has continued to stay with us out of love.
Live Online Recollection:
Saturday, June 18, 2022, 2:30 pm
Meeting ID: 867 3926 9400
Passcode: june-reco
Before you start, read this quick guide to help you prepare for the recollection.
Schedule of Activities
2:30 pm Spiritual Reading
3:00 pm Meditation
3:35 pm Examination of Conscience
3:45 pm Talk
4:30 pm Meditation, Benediction, and Rosary
Spiritual Reading Materials
“You write: ‘In my spiritual reading I build up a store of fuel. It looks like a lifeless heap, but I often find that my memory, of its own accord, will draw from it material which fills my prayer with life and inflames my thanksgiving after Communion.’” (St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way, 117)
Eucharist, Mystery of Faith and Love
“Jesus Christ, perfect God and perfect man, leaves us, not a symbol, but a reality. He himself stays with us… Under the appearances of bread and wine, he is really present, with his body and blood, with his soul and divinity.” (St. Josemaria Escriva, Christ is passing by, 83)
The Eucharist, A Mystery to be Believed
“The Church's ability to ‘make’ the Eucharist is completely rooted in Christ's self-gift to her. Here we can see more clearly the meaning of Saint John's words: "he first loved us" (1 Jn 4:19)… For all eternity he remains the one who loves us first.” (Benedict XVI, Sacramentum caritatis, 14)
The Eucharist, A Mystery to be Offered to the World
“In the Eucharist Jesus also makes us witnesses of God's compassion towards all our brothers and sisters. The eucharistic mystery thus gives rise to a service of charity towards neighbor… In all those I meet, I recognize brothers or sisters for whom the Lord gave his life, loving them ‘to the end’ (Jn 13:1).” (Pope Benedict XVI, Sacramentum caritatis, 88)
On the Feast of Corpus Christi
“We should always remember that if there is no sowing there is no harvest. That is why we need to sow the word of God generously, to make Christ known to men so that they hunger for him. Corpus Christi — the feast of the bread of life — is a good opportunity to reflect on the hunger which people suffer: hunger for truth, for justice, for unity and for peace.” (St. Josemaria Escriva, Christ is passing by, 157)
The Mystery of Faith
“And what should we say of the thousand inconsistencies of a ‘globalized’ world where the weakest, the most powerless and the poorest appear to have so little hope! It is in this world that Christian hope must shine forth! For this reason too, the Lord wished to remain with us in the Eucharist, making his presence in meal and sacrifice the promise of a humanity renewed by his love.” (Pope Saint John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 20)
The Eucharist, A Mystery of Light
“Jesus described himself as the ‘light of the world’ (Jn 8:12), and this quality clearly appears at those moments in his life, like the Transfiguration and the Resurrection, in which his divine glory shines forth brightly. Yet in the Eucharist the glory of Christ remains veiled… Through the mystery of his complete hiddenness, Christ becomes a mystery of light, thanks to which believers are led into the depths of the divine life.” (Pope St. John Paul II, Mane nobiscum Domine, 11)
Examination of Conscience
“Remain with us, because it is getting late and the day is now far spent” (Lk 24:29)
Jesus Christ has remained in the Eucharist out of love for us, out of love for you. The disciples of Emmaus had the desire to remain with Jesus, to hear him, to speak to him, to learn from him. Like them, do I ask Jesus with faith to know how to accompany him in the Tabernacle, to ask him, to look at him? Do I thank him for being with me?
Love is repaid with love. Before the immense love of Jesus how do I show my desire to be a better friend of his? When I pass by the Oratory or near a Tabernacle, do I thank Him or tell Him my love for Him?
If the Holy Mass is the most sacred action that can happen everyday in this world, do I ask Our Lord to help me discover all the grandeur it presupposes for my Christian life? Do I participate with desires of renewing my interior life, reinforcing my love for God and for others out of love for Him?
The liturgy of the Mass helps us and teaches us to address God the Father. The different parts of the Mass invite us to foster dispositions in the soul to live a truly Christian life. Does the introductory part move me to ask pardon for my faults? How do the readings affect my life? How do I address God using the different prayers? Do I recite them with pause and affection? Do I think of what I say and to whom I say the prayers? Does my posture accompany my prayer at all moments?
“I adore You, Hidden God devoutly” (Adoro te devote). Do I enjoy the company of Jesus in the Eucharist? Do I praise Him? Do I adore Him? Do I ask Him with confidence for the needs of others, the needs of the Church? Do I ask him with confidence for the needs of others, the needs of the Church? Do I share my concerns with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as well as the concerns of friends and families?
“If we love one another, God will remain in us and his love obtains for us his perfection” (1 Jn 4:12). The closer we are to God, the greater is our capacity to love and to give ourselves to others. Do I place before the Lord all the persons around me and do I intercede for them? If I observe some distance with someone do I ask the Lord to help me have a big heart like his who knows how to forgive and give without expecting anything in return? How can I be available to others? Do I give them my time, my skills and my initiatives?
“Fraternity requires friendship which reaches its fullness when the good of the others, their happiness, their fidelity and sanctity is desired” (cf. Fernando Ocariz, Letter 1 November 2019). How can I collaborate to improve the family atmosphere at home or in the center? How do I collaborate so that the Christian faith and the message of Opus Dei is spread to more persons? Do I pray for the Work of God, for the Father and for the development of the apostolic undertaking?